New Poll: Texans Report Delaying Medical Procedures, Skipping Doses of Medication Due to Rising Healthcare and Drug Costs

AUSTIN, TX – A majority of Texas voters report their healthcare and prescription drug costs are increasing, and a significant portion say they are delaying medical care or skipping doses of medication due to the expense, according to a new poll conducted by Baselice & Associates.

The poll, which surveyed over 700 Texas voters statewide in late August, was commissioned by Texans for Affordable Healthcare to measure public sentiment around healthcare solutions.

  • Key findings in a memo released by Baselice & Associates include:

  • 52% say their out-pocket-costs for healthcare are increasing.

  • 36% say they struggled to pay back medical debt to a healthcare provider.

  • 37% say they have “skipped doses of a medication, discontinued a medication, or delayed or avoided a medical procedure because [they] could not afford to pay for it.”

  • 62% say “health care providers inflate the costs of the services they provide and consumers are being taken advantage of.”

  • 75% say “pharmaceutical companies charge unreasonably high prices for their drugs because they know that sick patients have no choice but to keep buying them.”

“When a significant number of Texans are delaying medical procedures or skipping doses of medication because the cost is too high, that is a crisis,” said Texans for Affordable Healthcare Executive Director Mia McCord. “It’s hurting family budgets and it’s making people sick.”

The Baselice memo also suggested that voters have strong opinions about potential solutions to rising costs, including support for “transparency, fairness and relief from government mandates.”

The poll found:

  • 76% say small businesses should be allowed to offer more minimal and less expensive health insurance plans for employees if they can’t afford the more comprehensive plans mandated by the Legislature.

  • 68% support creating a Texas law that would require the state to disclose the impact of any proposed legislation that would raise the cost of health care or prescription drugs.

  • 66% support placing a moratorium on all new healthcare mandates until they are able to accurately measure the impact on healthcare and prescription drug costs.

  • 69% support legislation in Texas requiring hospitals to provide more charity care if they are going to benefit from large tax breaks.

  • 65% support banning hospital “facility fees” charged by facilities that are not hospitals.

  • 87% support requiring medical providers in Texas display the cost of their services and give their patients a detailed and itemized price list both before and after the medical treatments and procedures.

 “Voters support the Legislature taking action if it means increasing transparency in pricing or fairness in billing,” said McCord. “But there’s also an understanding that government mandates can raise prices and increase costs, and they want lawmakers to better understand how their legislation is impacting families and businesses.”

About Texans for Affordable Healthcare (TAHC):

TAHC provides an independent, non-partisan voice for families and businesses around issues impacting the cost of healthcare. For more information, visit:


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