TEXANS FOR AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE (TAHC) provides an independent, non-partisan voice for families and businesses around issues impacting the cost of healthcare.

We know that Big Government policies, unfunded mandates, unchecked hospital monopolies and special interest carveouts have created a healthcare cost crisis in Texas. We are doing something about it, by advocating for responsible market-based policies that promote transparency and competition while opposing the kinds of bad public policy that have made healthcare in Texas unaffordable for many families.

TAHC is supported by private individuals and business partners. Thousands of Texans have signed up to be a part of our coalition or used our platform to contact their lawmakers.

TAHC closely monitors trends in healthcare policy and engages with lawmakers, regulators, and traditional and social media in order to educate Texans about legislation and/or regulations that drive up cost or limit accessibility of healthcare.

Meet TAHC Executive Director Annie Spilman

Annie Spilman is a proud sixth generation Texan with a passion for helping others find a voice through advocacy. She is a graduate of Texas State University.

Annie has over 24 years of legislative experience, both inside and outside the Texas Capitol. Before joining TAHC, she served as State Director of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), representing small business owners in the Texas State Capitol on important issues such as health insurance mandates, tax reform, and regulatory relief.

As TAHC Executive Director, Spilman leads TAHC’s advocacy efforts to ensure families have a seat at the table when lawmakers craft policy that impacts their bottom line and the quality and accessibility of their care.

Texas is experiencing a true healthcare cost crisis, and it is directly impacting our health, our quality of life and our economy. How we respond to this crisis at the State Capitol directly impacts millions of Texans. My goal is to ensure our lawmakers and the public are armed with the best information as we work together to deliver solutions on behalf of our families and businesses.
— Texans for Affordable Healthcare Executive Director Annie Spilman